In this video, Mark LaLiberte talks about the areas which have the largest opportunity to save energy in the construction industry.  People may think it would be the incorporation of green-building practices into the new construction sector. While that is certainly a worthwhile initiative, we are only adding about one million new homes per year in this country, on average. However, the United States has approximately 130 million existing homes, with many of those built after 1960. Existing homes could benefit from some measure of energy-saving upgrades. 

Here are some things to consider when your project involves removing the siding and/or the interior drywall from your home:

Exterior remodeling opportunities:

  • Additional insulation
  • Air sealing
  • Improved water management details
  • Energy efficient exterior lighting

Interior remodeling opportunities:

  • Additional insulation
  • Air sealing
  • HVAC improvements
  • Energy efficient interior lighting

Contractors and clients alike should always be sure to have a quality conversation about proper ventilation and safety with regards to fireplaces, furnaces, appliances, and fans.

Mark LaLiberte (founding partner and President of Construction Instruction) has been educating the building industry about the science and physics of construction for over 30 years, and speaks to over 8,000 people annually. He educates the building industry on the benefits of constructing durable, energy efficient, and healthier homes through lectures, video series, publications, and a mobile app.