One of our favorite things to do at Dunn Lumber is feature our customers that give back to our communities. We recently collaborated with Tenhulzen Painting & Construction on their Heron Park bridge repair. They chose to use the temporary construction shutdown due to COVID-19 to organize this volunteer effort. Today, we’re welcoming Tenhulzen President and Founder Scott Tenhulzen to tell you a little more about the project. Take it away, Scott!

At Tenhulzen Painting & Construction, we take pride in what we do—from helping you build your perfect home to giving back to our community. We enjoy the spirit that giving back creates and appreciate having a synergistic relationship with our community. We have a long history of philanthropic work with the Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties (MBAKS) and Dunn Lumber, including events like Rampathon and Painting a Better Tomorrow. We’ve also worked with our Painting Contractors Association on projects for PAWS Companion Animal Shelter, veteran housing, and low-income housing.  

A few years ago, we became members of the Rotary Club of Mill Creek. Rotary is all about community involvement and helping those less fortunate, as well as infusing funds into other organizations with the same mission. The Tenhulzen team has performed several community projects in partnership with Rotary, including jobs for Everett women’s shelter Peoria HomeMill Creek Community Food Bank, and Everett youth and family shelter Cocoon House

For our most recent project with the Mill Creek Community Association, we’re using contributions from Dunn Lumber to repair two Heron Park bridges. The bridges, originally donated and built by Mill Creek Rotary members, had deteriorated over the years to the point that they were becoming a safety issue for park-goers. With everyone staying home and going on walks more frequently, foot traffic has become quite heavy on the walking trails in Mill Creek, and repairs were necessary. 

One of the bridges is under Heron Park HOA ownership, while the other is on city property. We’re working with both leadership teams to get the project completed, and you can see the HOA bridge underway in the photos throughout this blog. As we tore into the bridge decking, we found the center support beam was rotted out and about to break through—so we replaced that, as well. While our paint crew washed the railings and framing of the bridges, our construction division performed the necessary bridge deck and beam replacement work.  

All in all, this was a pretty simple project that was very meaningful to our community and our team. It was fun for our crew to work with the runners and walkers on the trails, helping them cross the bridge while it was partially deconstructed or redirecting them the other way. After weeks of staying home, our crew was uplifted by the verbal appreciation from passers-by. Tenhulzen and our community continue to be grateful to the Rotary Club of Mill Creek as well as Dunn Lumber for its continued support on these meaningful projects. 

To learn more about the causes Dunn Lumber donates to and the construction companies we work with, check out our blogs on some of our Rampathon partners, including Gaspar’s Construction, Jackson Design-Build, and Home Run Solutions.