Dunn Lumber is proud to partner with Northwest Harvest to put food on the tables of food-insecure families across Washington. 

Hunger is at a high this year and supporting the work of Northwest Harvest is more important to us than ever. The number of Washingtonians experiencing hunger has more than doubled due to COVID-19—from 850,000 people to 1.6 million. 

Supporting our community has been part of our company’s DNA since 1907. In addition to the year-round food drive we hold at all Dunn Lumber locations, we’re matching cash donations made by Dunn Lumber customers in the month of November. We invite you to join us in supporting the important work of Northwest Harvest this November by making a cash donation. 

Doubling your impact

To make your contributions go farther, Dunn Lumber will match every customer donation in November up to $500 per person (up to a total of $25,000). 

How to participate:

  1. Donate online directly to Northwest Harvest and send a copy of your receipt via email or snail mail (addresses below).
  1. Write a check (made payable to Northwest Harvest) and bring it into any Dunn Lumber location, or drop it in the mail. 

Mail checks to:
Dunn Lumber Co. 
Attn: Northwest Harvest Campaign 
PO Box 45550 
Seattle, WA 98145-0550

Email receipts to:
kathrync@dunnlumber.com or jimc@dunnlumber.com 

*Please send all checks and receipts by Friday, December 11, 2020. 

About Northwest Harvest

Leading the charge against hunger in Washington, Northwest Harvest strategically attacks food insecurity through community programs, public policy, emergency response, and regional distribution. 

By building partnerships with communities all across the state, Northwest Harvest provides an average of two million meals each month via 375 food banks, meal programs, and high-need schools. In Seattle alone, over 1,500 families get access to nutritious food each week at the SODO Community Market.

For more information about Northwest Harvest, visit northwestharvest.org.